Hugo: hugging pillow

This is a project about social isolation due to the excessive use of new communication technologies. A Facebook survey found that the first thing 80% of young cell phone owners do before getting out of bed in the morning is check their phone. Research conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International indicated that 42% of …


In Latin America, the cult of the saint patron was synonymous with spiritual, social, political and economic domination, because it implanted a pattern of dominant values ​​so that the indigenous towns were integrated into the hegemony of the Hispanic Crown. The patron saint’s tradition originated as a result of the missionary work of the Franciscans, …

Anticonceptivos del creador

Entre los países de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos, México ocupa el primer lugar en embarazos de jóvenes de 15 a 19 años. Actualmente, México tiene la tasa de natalidad más alta en adolescentes y jóvenes: 64.2 por cada mil nacimientos, mientras que Suiza tiene la más baja, con 4.3, señala …